I deleted the blog.
Nobody has read it anyway as far as I know, so it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's been a year since last update, and it would look rather silly when all my talk about the recordings and releases don't match what has actually happened, which is... nothing. Nada.
This time, however.. I'm reviving my blog just as the actual recording has started. At this point one song is completely written and basic tracks are recorded. I need lyrics for it, that's the one thing I have never done, but we'll get there eventually. Sooner or later some words must be written, good or bad.
But why a blog, why now? I don't have a following.
Not yet at least. I hope that can change, and then all this will be post mortem, as it were. A little blog looking back at what happened, why this record is what it is, why the mistakes I made (which I haven't made yet) won't be repeated next time. Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey.
But most of all it's a place where I can rant about things that don't matter at all. Like why can't I listen to my iPod during takeoff or landing? THERE'S NO BLOODY RECEIVERS IN IT THAT COULD CRASH THE PLANE!!!
That sort of thing.
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